Interviewed by Corrado Natale
Photos by Alberto Balbi - Translation: Andrea Pozzer
On the 12th and 13th January 2002, a refresher course for instructors of the Apnea Academy was held in Milan. At the end of the course, in a conversation with Umberto, I was able to satisfy some curiosities regarding the world of competitive freediving and I think that our conversation could be of interest to other readers of Apnea Magazine.

Umberto Pelizzari - Photo: Alberto Balbi

Apnea Magazine: Recently you've set the new world record in the variable ballast discipline (-131 mt.) and on this occasion you decided to leave the competitive world of freediving. How did you feel during this venture?

Umberto Pelizzari : As in the previous occasions, during this performance I did my utmost.
I wanted to finish my career with another record. During my competitive career my attempts to brak a world record have always been succesful and I have always given my all, especially during training, where I never left anything to chance. The fact that I was facing my last challenge didn't affect my performance in any way and everything went as it did in my previous world records.

Why did you decide to leave the competitive world even if you are still the best freediver in the world?

Every athlete who has reached important objectives in his discipline, soon or later has to make the decision to leave competitions. I chose to do this while I was still the world's top free diver and to mark this moment with a new world record.

I felt this was the best way to leave, even if it wasn't an easy decision considering I am still the world champion. Along with my team mates, I had just brought back the third world title. At this point I felt I had nothing else to prove and that by leaving at that time, my retirement would remain a happy memory for all.

What are your future projects in the field of sport?

I'll certainly try to promote the discipline of freediving, especially among young people. There are a lot of promising athletes and who knows, I could always consider the possibility of coaching a team for the world championship.
The Apnea Academy remains an important activity that I want to carry on and one of my primary objectives is to continue to improve this high quality school. Along with Stefano Tovaglieri I have just finished writing a manual about free diving and I'm going to translate my book "Profondamente" so that it can also satisfy the demand abroad.
I have received several proposals for some very interesting short movies and documentaries and the Brazilian, Austrian and Estonian sport federations have asked me to develop the freediving sector in their countries.

My agenda is full!

Umberto during his last Record -131 variable ballast - Photo : Alberto Balbi

Photo : Alberto Balbi
Regarding the world championship, what were the main differences you experienced between a world team competition and an individual attempt for a record?

I feel much more involved when I'm in a team event.
The emotions I experienced during the las world championship definitely exceeded those during my record attempt. In static I have the potential to reach 7 min and 15 sec.( my personal record is 7 min and 38 sec.), but I couldn't reach more than 5.30, a time length that I repeated during the TV program "Le lene" while joking and laughing with the presenters. I think that this was probably due to the sense of responsibility felt towards the team. During a personal record attempt you represent your image as an athlete; during a world championship you represent your country, so everything inevitably becomes mor difficult. The last championship was a good example of this but I must say that it was great to share the victory with my team mates.

In your opinion, what limits could humans reach in the future and who are the best athletes at the moment?

I think that in the constant weight discipline, the one I consider most demanding, we will be able to reach a limit of lOOmt. In the no-limits discipline, I predict that we will reach 200mt., even if the greatest difficulty in this discipline is the assistance and surveillance of the diver. In static, I think we will be able to reach 8min.30-45sec.............well, close to 9min.!
Regarding the top athletes of the moment, I must say that challenges with only two contenders no longer exist. In the past, Mayol and Majorca contended for the world title and until recently, Pipin and I were the contenders. Now there are at least ten athletes ready to contend for the world record. Among the athletes who impress me the most are Herbert Nitsch (Austria), Giankos Manolis (Greece), Martit Stepanec (Czech Republic) and Pierre Frotta (Monaco).
Among the Italians I think that Davide Carrera, nicknamed 'II Bimbo', is probably the one who will follow in my footsteps. At the moment he is in India perfecting his meditation skills, an excellent technique that has already helpecd him to set a world record for free immersion (91 mt).

Umberto's last achievement: Alberto Balbi

Ok Umberto, Thanks, also on behalf of the readers of Apnea Magazine. See you again at the next Apnea Academy meeting.

OK, see you! By the way, Corrado, you look as if you have put on some weight. You'd better lose some, otherwise I'll put you on a diet!

Corrado Natale
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